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IPAF Demonstrator

The IPAF Demonstrator courses enable a demonstrator to familiarise operators with their responsibilities and demonstrate pre-operational and safe operating procedures, as well as outline the limitations of a range of MEWPs.

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Our class sizes are kept small so that 2 Cousins can pay particular attention to delegates’ needs. IPAF Demonstrator courses generally last one to three days and are a combination of theory and practice, with a written and a practical test.

Upon successful completion of IPAF Demonstrator,2 Cousins delegates receive a PAL Card (Powered Access Licence) which is valid for five years, a safety guide, a log book and a certificate.

You can get the best return on your training investment by including up to three equipment course types into one training delivery programme. Please ask us for details.

Categories of MEWP equipment covered by our courses include:

• Static Vertical (1a)
• Static Boom (1b)
• Mobile Vertical (3a)
• Mobile Boom (3b)
• Push Around Vertical (PAV)
• Insulated Aerial Device (IAD)
• Specialist machines (SPECIAL)
• At the end of the IPAF Demonstrator courses delegates will be able to:

Familiarise operators to use any machine for which the demonstrator holds the appropriate license, and demonstrate pre-operational and safe operation of the MEWP as well as its limitations.

IPAF Training Enquiry Form