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Medium Risk: Expectation of Risk

A medium risk confined space exists where there are access issues, and there is an expectation of a specified risk. A medium risk confined space requires that escape breathing apparatus must be taken in.

2 Cousins Contact

Candidates on 2 Cousins working in medium-risk confined spaces course will learn about the planning, tools and methods needed to operate safely in such environments.

Medium risk confined spaces exist where there is a realistic expectation of encountering a specified risk or the possible introduction of a specified risk during the work activity. It will also not be possible to have a person permanently attached to a safety line and is usually a team entry which moves away from the entry point e.g. man entry sewers, utility service, subway tunnels, aqueducts and complex wet wells.

Candidates successfully completing the 1 day course will receive a certificate valid for 3 years.

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